
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Let's Stomp!

Photo taken by Isis Photography

Let's start 2013 off with a great event!  Come and join us on Saturday, Feb 9th, 2013 for the 6th Annual Tubbs Romp to Stomp out Breast Cancer Snowshoe Series.  An incredible event that gets us outside enjoying the winter, snowshoeing and helping the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation raise much needed funds for a future without breast cancer!

Register before Jan 4th, 2013 to receive the early bird pricing and get entered into the early bird draw!

Recap of all the fun at the 2012 Tubbs Romp to Stomp our Breast Cancer Snowshoe Series!
Captured by Isis Photography!

It's been a while since my last post, but hopefully it hasn't been that long since you've taken time to Squeeze your  lemons!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Special message for an elite Canadian Athlete!

Photo from the 2012 Crossfit Games

Collingwood participants, I am beyond pumped to share with you a special shout out video!
You may have heard him referred to as Teen Wolf this past summer, he is one of the most elite athlete's in Canada!  One of our TOP crossfitters!

Collingwood, he is Lucas Parker, and he's sending you a special message!

( Yes it's really him!  Lucas shaved his famous beard after the 2012 Crossfit games to raise money for At-Risk Youth in Downtown Vancouver at the Nutts Memorial Cup event. )

You heard lucas, remember to squeeze your lemons!

Friday, September 14, 2012

A gorgeous tribute...

Currently living in Collingwood, ON, Andrea Currie is an emerging artist and entrepreneur. Andrea's trademark fine art drawings focus on trees. Using pointillism, cross-hatching and shading, she re-captures classical pen and ink techniques. Andrea combines an Honors English Literature degree from the University of Guelph and a Diploma of Education from Newcastle University, Australia with a passion for cultivating connections by launching her new company PomonaLIFE.

PomonaLIFE is a community for artists from all disciplines to showcase their finished work in a unique and collaborative environment. From Roman mythology, Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruit trees, gardens and orchards was meticulous in the craft of cultivation. Like Pomona, artists mirror her strengths, layering hours, days and sometimes years cultivating their craft.

Andrea’s current project: Sacred Worship - Growth, Decay and Resurrection, a 2013 Calendar Folio, is dedicated to Andrea’s mother - Susan Currie - who succumbed to cancer in October 2011.

Each of these trees in the folio is inspired by the foliage associated with the calendar months as well as the myths and legends that accompany them. Andrea also incorporated elements of her own skin and body depicting the theme of metamorphosis with her personal representation in each month. 

Calendar 2013 is $20, and $15 of every calendar sold is donated to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.

“Cancer has been a sleeping giant in my life for as long as I can remember, but my mother showed me with strength, love and poise, that there is a community of hope which breathes effortlessly.  

My mother is my inspiration and my strength.  This calendar is a unique tribute to a wonderful and kind woman, as much as it is a symbol of life’s constant change and our own beautiful metamorphosis because of it.” 

To purchase Andrea Currie’s Calendar 2013 and to help support the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, please visit:

You can also purchase the calendar at the following store locations:

Dags & Willow, Collingwood, ON
Garden's Nest, Collingwood, ON
The Artist's Den, Collingwood, ON
Cloutier Music School, Collingwood, ON
Bruce Wine Bar, Thornbury, ON
Elements Yoga, Wasaga Beach, ON
North Point, Tobermory, ON
Dufferin County Museum & Archive, Dufferin, ON
Organic Bliss Studio, Whistler, BC

We're really excited that Andrea will also be at the Collingwood run site with her absolutely gorgeous calendars! 

Take some time today and squeeze your lemons

Monday, July 9, 2012

Pink Tour!

The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation has launched the Pink Tour with the support of both Shoppers Drug Mart and CIBC, the Pink Tour bus is on the road for a summer long tour of Ontario!

The Pink Tour bus will make it's stop in Collingwood on July 27th!  Be sure to head downtown Collingwood to check it out!

Have you squeezed your  lemons lately?

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Run 2012

Photo taken at the 2011 Run for the Cure by: Isis Photography

Come join us for the 2012 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure in Collingwood on Sunday, September 30th!

On Sunday, September 30th, Who will you be running for?

Monday, January 23, 2012

Gorgeous Day!

Romp to Stomp - Scenic Caves from Isis Photography on Vimeo.

Congratulations to everyone involved with the 5th Annual Tubbs Romp to Stomp out Breast Cancer Snowshoe series, event organizers, sponsors, volunteers, participants and donors. Because of each of you the Romp had another successful year, raising more then $32,000 towards a future without breast cancer.
It was truly a gorgeous day up a scenic caves, we could not have asked for better weather. Please take a moment and enjoy the slideshow put together by our talented event photographers Isis Photography.

Check out some of the event photos taken by Isis Photography here ( they have some available for free download) and be sure to check out photo gallery for their photos!

Remember to make time to squeeze your lemons !

Monday, January 9, 2012

What an Honour!

Terry Geddes and I, taken after the presentation.

I have mentioned before that, as volunteers we don't do what we do to be recognized for it, we do it because we are passionate about whatever it is that we are volunteering for, but that being said, when someone does recognize all your efforts, it is an incredible honour. Yesterday, I was bestowed with the Order of Collingwood, one of 5 recipients from the Town of Collingwood to receive this incredible honour.

"Annually the Town of Collingwood honours those who through their volunteer efforts enrich the social, cultural and/or recreational conditions by bestowing upon them The Order of Collingwood"

As one of the youngest to ever receive The Order of Collingwood. I am truly beyond words honoured. I send my congratulations once again to the other 4 recipients,Catherine Campbell, Barbara Fawcett, Penny Skelton and Terry Geddes. As well the 3 recipients who received the Companion to the Order of Collingwood, Charles Tatham, Dunc Hawkins, and Paul Hurst.

For me personally yesterday was even a little extra special, to receive the Order of Collingwood alongside Terry Geddes. Most people will know him as the former Mayor of Collingwood, I have known him as Mr. Geddes for most of my life. He was my principal from Kindergarten to grade 8. I have a great deal of respect for him, I always have, so to not only be honoured yesterday, but to also be honoured alongside someone who I have so greatly respected was for me, even that much more special.

I thank Mayor Sandra Cooper, CAO Kim Wingrove as well as all the members of Council.
For this incredible honour!

I have now said the words, "incredible" and "honour" quite a few times in this post, but really, I don't know that there is any other way to describe it.

Don't forget, knowing your body could just save your life! Take a little time to squeeze your lemons !

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

2011 was an incredible year for many reasons, some personal highlights for me ( in terms of volunteering ) were.....

Since 2008 I have put a ton of time and energy into helping create a future without breast cancer. Nothing has been more worth while for me, then at the 2011 Tubbs Romp to Stomp Out Breast Cancer Snowshoe Series, when my husband and I were able to help an incredibly brave and wonderful man named Adam Warner complete a goal on the list of his late wife Meghan's life goals, ( to Snowshoe ).

I was also nominated for two awards for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation Volunteer Awards, then in the fall I found out that our local MP Dr. Kellie Leitch nominated me for the Prime Ministers Volunteer Awards ( Spring of 2012 ) and a couple weeks ago I received a visit from Shelley Fuhre the Executive Assistant to Town of Collingwood Mayor Sandra Cooper to deliver a letter letting me know that I am being bestowed with the 'Order of Collingwood'.
It is incredibly honouring to be recognized, ( it is not why I do it. But an honour just the same. )

Another HUGE highlight for me personally was on October 2nd, the day of the Run for the Cure. To be able to stand on the stage and let all the participants in Collingwood know that together our small ( but very mighty ) run site had reached ONE MILLION dollars raised in just 7 short years! INCREDIBLE! Something that everyone should be extremely proud of!

It is always a highlight for me to once again be reminded how incredible my Run for the Cure committee is. I thank Jason, Michele, Michelle, Todd, Steph, Jenn, Barb, David and Avalon for all the time they as fellow volunteers commit to the Run for the Cure and of course a huge thank you to our Honourary Chair this year, Scott Thornton.

Now looking ahead to 2012 an another exciting year. Let's get it started the right way! In just 20 days from now we can all come together and stomp out breast cancer at the 2012 Tubbs Romp to Stomp Out Breast Cancer Snowshoe Series! Register to stomp, or come and volunteer! *Volunteers are still needed....

May you trust in your dreams enough this year to know that anything and everything is possible! And why not make a plan today for the days each month when you will take a little time to SQUEEZE YOUR lemons !