I've always known we lived in a great community. Collingwood born and raised, and love it here! But it has been in the past 3 years since taking on the role of Run Director for this great event that the community has truly really shined for me. Our community and surrounding communities really go above and beyond when the need is there. We see it time and time again. (( A great example of this was in the summer of 2008 when Drew Wright was on Canadian Idol, the out pouring of support was amazing to see. ))
Now when it come to our event the support from our local community is OUTSTANDING. In 2008 when I stepped into the role of Run Director, we already had an amazing base group of local sponsors, that year we were able to add to that group with some more amazing sponsors.
Year after year our Collingwood local sponsors set the bar ( in my eyes ). We are blessed at our site to have such support, that way we are able to keep our costs as a site as low as possible. The most important thing to me as a Run Director has been to keep all costs as low as possible. Having been a participant for 3 years prior to my role as Run Director, I knew first hand how hard it was to raise money and how exciting it was to get a donation ( whatever amount it may be ). So it is important to myself and my committee that we keep our site costs low and I can say with lots of certainty that our site keeps cost very low!
We are able to do this because of our OUTSTANDING local sponsors and friends of the Collingwood Run Site.
I really can't express enough how much we as a committee appreciate their support.
Please join me in saying a huge THANK YOU, to our 2010 local Sponsors.... ( In random Order )
Georgian Life
and our 2010 Friends of the Collingwood Run Site so far are....
If you know any other local businesses who might like to become Friends of the Collingwood Run Site please email me to learn more... jnichol@cbcfrun.org
Once again we would like so say a huge THANK YOU to all of our local sponsors.
Summer is here, a new month begins tomorrow, Happy Canada Day everyone, SQUEEZE
those lemons !